Monday, April 14, 2008

Apples and Oranges

So I hear that APPLEs are really good for you. After all, an APPLE a day keeps the doctor away. No wonder kids are always putting APPLEs on their teachers' desks. It must make them really smart, eating all those APPLEs. Those students probably become the APPLE of their eyes. The bad students in the class are no where near those who give their teachers APPLEs. It would be like comparing APPLEs to oranges. And no one wants to be an orange. Hmm, maybe I should be an APPLE. Everyone loves APPLEs so there is no reason not to be. Hopefully, the Stanford APPLE tree will decide to grow a new APPLE crop in the next month. You can't have too many APPLEs :D


A.Venegas said...

Frankly, I'm a plum kinda guy.

Colleen said...

Wow, subtle.

Quattro Chris said...

I agree with Vajayjay, some people are other types of fruit. Me? I am tomato because no one can ever figure out which one I am.