Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Vectors Make Me Happy

So here is the new and improved vectorized Megan Hamilton!
It took forever and I am sort of happy with it. This definitely took a toll on my patience. It is quite noticeable in my lack of finesse with the pen tool. I could have made things smoother but hey, who has the time to do that. I am just glad that I finished. Oh yeah, this is me on the airplane to Chicago. I was super lucky to get an entire row all to myself. Woohoo!


MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

that's tight! I want one lol how did you do that?

Megan Hamilton said...

i did it in illustrator. send me a pic and ill make you one. it might take me awhile but i'd do it. then you can cite me in your blog and make me internet famous!

Suzanne Yada said...

holy crap!! i'm ok with illustrator but you're a PRO!

Colleen said...

Looks hawt. You should use that as you're driver's license picture.

Quattro Chris said...

Vectors make you happy? In my opinion you look emo. That or about to join a Evanescence cult. Buenos noches!

Megan Hamilton said...

chris - seriously...evanescence...give me a little credit! Can't I just look out an airplane window?

Blogxilla said...

I love vectors but i don't have hte patience to do them.

Blogxilla said...

hey I think i want that on a shirt. I'm internet famous!